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Horse shooting swamp area / 3h
Length of time
Price / Person





We meet before sunset / sunrise at our agreed meeting point and drive from there to the private property. 

The white Camargue horses will be photographed for approx. 1 1/2 -2 hours in various scenes. We will take static pictures, such as reflections in the water, sunset / sunrise, close-ups, portraits, as well as pictures in motion, galloping in marshes or galloping in the sand. 


The horses are accompanied by four to six gardians, usually in traditional costume. 

We only take photos in the morning and evening hours. The horse shoots only take place on private property. 



Recommended equipment:

Digital SLR or system camera, as well as the appropriate lenses. I recommend a wide-angle lens in the focal length range between 10-35mm and a light telephoto lens up to 200/400mm.


Essential: knee-high rain boots 





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